Visa Application

Download Visa
Upload your passport and newest formal photo
Fill out the form complete, attach the applicable documents
Review & Submit, tick in each checkboxes for review
Personal Information
Please select your valid biography passport
Passport Term and Condition
Good Quality
Bad Quality

Make sure the photo are sharp, in focus, and not ghosted.

Good Visibility
Bad Visibility

Make sure the photo is not covered, cropped or folded and not blurry.


Make sure the passport photo is in landscape form.

Personal Information

Please select your profile picture
Photo Term and Condition
Photos format:
  1. File format using *.JPEG/ .JPG/ .PNG in color.
  2. Min. 400x600px.
  3. Max. size 2Mb
  4. Proper composition.

The top of the head, including the hair, to the bottom of the chin must be between 50% and 60% of the image's total height. The eye height (measured from the bottom of the image to the level of the eyes) should be between 50% and 60% of the image's height.

The layout and position of the photo must be proper (Too close and too far are not recommended).

Unrecommended photo:
  1. Blurry photo.
  2. Others than face photo.
  3. Expression face photo.